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A member registered Nov 15, 2016

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anytime soon But it'll be on steam first and it'll be paid

next update will be on steam and it'll be paid

under wrench..

The game made for single player only, multiplayer needs alot of coding, multiplayer will have cheater and hacker and did you know, the game made from one creator that doesn't have a big company . BUT in my opinion the game will never single player only forever

not possible..

next, Dev said he'll launch steam greenlight anytime soon and it'll be paid

not, definitely there is secret weapon. How? Just simply type "iseegold" in menu and you can hear chest-opening sound and check your weapon :)

it's like sniper sensitivity when scoping, idk.

probably yes, after the game on a steam greenlight

multiplayer is not possible for some reason

somewhere in December. Can be tomorrow, next week or 1 day before 2017

pls read 'installation' right above the comment section ^

I set it to 100 and it run pretty well...

what do you mean?

yes, because the AI waiting for another AI to get in so you need to kill the nearby AI

yeah, scope in and click left mouse

you can command troops to the specific location by using a binocs

read the 'installation' above

you can read 'installation' above the comment section

pls read 'installation' above comment section

I'm not dev but I've asked him about this and here is the answer:

Yeah, that page is not mine

And I have asked the author to take it down

reverse mode if you want to spawn at the opposite side

(1 edit)

read the 'installation'

quad will be in the next update

He just want to make the game easy to access and I think the multiplayer will be in a future update (not less than 6 month). Maybe if you are open the game it not using a internet connection unless you press the multiplayer button from the main menu (my opinion)

sey for late reply, what setting you are using for controlling helicopter?

Can someone help me flying a heli? it's just impossible thing to do

(1 edit)

thx but I use what the creator said on installation guide.

(2 edits)

Thanks It's working! I just drag both file to the desktop and I can run the game :D

yup, I have it but just dunno how to extract it :P

it says "application not found", like it need to extract first?

after that, what should I do?

is it a zip file? and how can I open it?